Get off from Social Media: Activities Beneficial for Teen Mental Health

Teen Mental Health

As parents, one of the best things to do for your children is to encourage them to get
out, be lively and go anywhere far from social media.

Today, everyone seems to be spending more time in scrolling, liking and reacting to
social media posts than experiencing everything in real life.

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5 Types of Depression

teen-depressionOne of the common misconceptions of society is that there is only one type of depression. However, this misconception should be avoided as not all depressed people are diagnosed all the same. It is true that the main characteristic of depression is someone who feels down and sad most of the time. However, it should be understood that depression is caused by either two things: certain events in life or chemical imbalances in your body.

Here are the different types of depression and how they are characteristically defined and differentiated from one another.

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First Time Moms and How They Deal with Post Partum Depression

One of the major types of depression is post-partum depression. This is often experienced by mothers who had just given birth and it tends to be scary for those who are completely new to motherhood. To be clear with this, post-partum is a normal event. After all, a mother has unconditional love for her child, … Read more