Tackling Mental Health: Your Guide to Overcoming Depression

Depression is a complex and often challenging mental health condition that can have a profound impact on an individual’s life. According to the World Health Organization, depression affects an estimated 280 million people worldwide. However, it’s important to know that depression is a condition that can be managed and overcome. This guide offers a step-by-step … Read more

Tips for Coping with PTSD Anxiety

Individuals who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, commonly known as “PTSD,” often struggle with extreme anxiety. Extreme anxiety symptoms typically lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms, which can negatively impact not only your mental health but also your physical health. Fortunately, there are a lot of healthy and effective coping mechanisms you can try to help … Read more

The Different Anxiety Myths We’ve All Heard About

Anxiety is an issue that you may know about. You’ve heard about it from friends, family, and acquaintances. Suddenly one day someone you know can’t come into work because of a panic attack or a family member can’t join in on an event because they have social anxiety. These situations often lead to people creating anxiety myths that may or may not hold water when closely looked at. 

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How To Stop An Anxiety Attack

An anxiety attack can be a scary and overwhelming experience for anyone. These attacks are symptoms that do not only manifest emotional or psychological disability, but also physical issues such as difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, and trembling.

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Anxiety Symptoms in Teens

Contrary to popular belief, anxiety is actually pretty normal during adolescent and teenage years, for this period serves to be the most stressful stage in a person’s life. This is understandable for these years tend to be the most explorative and confusing years in one’s life. Normally, anxiety serves as a coping mechanism stimulated by the brain to deal with feelings of uneasiness during stressful situations. For most people, it is a normal phase that will dissipate over time on its own. However, some people experience severe anxiety which can negatively impact his or her life; symptoms start to hinder these people from socializing and participating in various activities. Overwhelming feelings of anxiety will then start to develop into worse conditions giving light to anxiety disorder, depression, or even phobias.

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How to Manage Anxiety and Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Most people who suffer from anxiety also have trouble sleeping. While many of us experience not getting enough sleep every once in a while, there are people who can’t get enough sleep all the time.

People who worry too much get very little to no sleep. When this becomes a routine, it causes many problems. The risks of not having enough sleep extend beyond fatigue.

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