What is OCD and What You Can Do About It

You might have heard of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD from someone you know. They might have talked about a relative of theirs who is obsessively cleaning their room or home until it is spotless. It can be very difficult to deal with this type of behavior because of how it can affect such a large part of someone’s life. Today we’re going to be exploring just what OCD is and what you can do to help someone suffering from it.

What is OCD?

OCD is commonly portrayed as excessive cleaning in most media like in our previous example. However, it doesn’t only manifest in cleaning habits. OCD can manifest in many different parts of a person’s life. The main thing to keep in mind is OCD’s namesake: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

A person becomes excessively obsessed about one or more aspects of their life and they have a compulsion to do something about it. In the previous example, it is all about an obsession regarding the cleanliness of their home or the obsession of ridding their home of bacteria or viruses. Other examples of OCD compulsions include:

  • Hoarding or the obsession of keeping a number of items that they refuse to get rid of. 
  • Paranoid checking or the obsession of making sure objects are where they’re supposed to be
  • Perfectionism or the obsession of wanting to make sure everything they do is perfect
  • The obsession of wanting perfect symmetry or proper order in the things they have or do. 

Paranoia stemming from these compulsive thoughts is common and can make a person more difficult to approach. Many people from OCD suffer from many other mental disorders as well. You can expect to see someone with it experience anything from anxiety to depression.

What Causes OCD?

Now that we know what it is, we’ll now move on to what causes this devastating mental disorder. Despite the amount of research done on this mental illness that affects nearly five million Americans, the exact causes of OCD have not been pinpointed to an exact source. There are several suspected triggers that could trigger the onset of OCD. These include:

  • A genetic trigger where OCD might be passed down between generations
  • Environmental conditioning where OCD may come from a reaction to the occurrences around a person
  • Neurological damage from injuries or illnesses that affect a person’s brain 
  • Other mental disorders such as anxiety, and depression

What Can You Do?

OCD can be a difficult nut to crack, especially if you’re the one experiencing it. The first step to getting better is to realize that you have it in the first place. Knowing is half the battle. Self control is the key in beating it and knowing exactly what the center of your compulsions are. The next step is to make sure you slowly stop doing what your mind is compulsively telling you to do. 

If you aren’t sure that you can take OCD head on on your own, then having a professional helping you is your best bet. WIth years of experience in the mental disorder industry CNS Center Arizona is your best friend when it comes to fighting mental disorders and giving you back control of your life. Come visit us today for a consultation!



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