*** This article is a continuation of the Minefield of Depression One.
- Self-injury. In a strange twist, some people coping with depression use self-injury.
While often not intentional, self-injury (such as cutting or burning) can lead to serious, or even life threatening injuries, as well as accidental deaths
- Reckless behavior. Often, when feelings of hopelessness and anger are present, a person’s own safety become secondary.
Reckless behavior can take many forms, from the obvious behaviors that are both reckless and endangering, to simply allowing themselves and their surroundings to deteriorate to a point of unsafe and unsanitary conditions. In either situation, depression causes an individual to became a danger to both themselves and others.
- Poor school performance. Left untreated, depression can make it difficult to focus and follow through on education
Poor school performance is a more specific symptom of depression, most often occurring in children and teens. Often, even getting out of bed to attend school requires what may seem an overwhelming effort. Focus on studies, participation in school activities, and following through on homework and studying. Early intervention can help avoid patterns of negative behavior from settling in more permanently.
- Relationship problems. It’s never right to hurt the ones you love.
One of the more noticeable causalties of depression is often one’s relationships. This can take the form of lashing out at loved ones for no particular reason, a lack of desire to go to social events with your loved ones, and even a refusal to leave the home at all. Depression, left unchecked, can leave its victim feeling emotionally, mentally, and even physically drained. This can lead to one becoming distant and isolated from family and loved ones.
- Health concerns. Depression can create an unhealthy cycle that can directly affect your physical health as well.
Depression can, and will, affect your ability to get enough sleep, to remain awake for reasonable amounts of time, a lack of desire to eat (or alternatively to eat too much), and a lack of motivation to exercise properly. When these conditions happen, one’s body can become more prone to illnesses such as the flu or diabetes. Improper sleep schedules can also lead to heart disease as well.
Remember, depression is a treatable condition that can completely turn your life around. By getting the right treatment, you are being strong not only for yourself, but for your loved ones as well. If you think you may be affected by depression, please find qualified treatment right away.