The Long Term Mental Health Effects of Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma is something that many parents disregard when taking care of their kids. This type of disregard can have dire consequences for the child in question. The reason for this problems is that childhood trauma can have a long lasting effect on the development of children. But what exactly are these effects?

Mental Health of  Childhood Trauma on Children?

One of the biggest effects that childhood trauma can have on children is that a child’s mental health is put at risk. Our mental health is what dictates our personality, how we deal with others, how we interact with the world around us, and how we perceive challenges. Once this is affected, children will have a number of problems that can include:

Depression, Anxiety and Other Disorders Can Be Developed

Mental health disorders are a common outcome for a child who has undergone childhood trauma. These mental health disorders can come in a number of different types, each with their own quirks and problems. 

A Shift In Their Personality Is Possible

Another issue that many children will experience is that their personality can be negatively affected by the experience. A child who was once cheerful and outgoing can suddenly become more shy, reserved and insecure. 

Social Anxiety Can Happen

Social anxiety can also happen when a child experiences childhood trauma. They have a much more difficult time interacting with others. The big problem with this is that they can carry this into adulthood and have difficulty in a more stressful environment.

What Can You Do About Childhood Trauma?

Now that you know about the negative effects of childhood trauma on the life of your child, the next step is to find solutions to it. These solutions can help your child overcome these problems and ensure that they live a better life.

Find The Cause of Their Trauma

The first step that should always be taken whenever your child is experiencing some sort of trauma is to find the cause. You can’t fix their problem if you don’t know what’s causing it. Do be aware that you may even be the reason why they feel the way that they do. 

Talk With Your Child

A great way to help ease the trauma of a child is to talk with them. People are social by nature, and children are the easiest to influence when it comes to social interaction. Talking about a problem can help lift a weight off of their chest while you also find out what is causing problems for them.

Get a Professional Therapist Involved

One of the best ways to help a child who is experiencing trauma is to find a professional therapist to help you. Therapists are trained to find solutions to mental health problems which includes trauma. A professional can guide you and your child on how to deal with the trauma so it doesn’t have any long lasting effects. 

Final Thoughts

Childhood trauma is a common occurrence that can affect the development and growth of children. However, you can certainly prevent or at the very least minimize the effect it can have on a child’s future.



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