Psychotic Disorder: Losing Touch With Reality

Reality is the one thing that keeps us grounded. When times get tough and we feel as if we are drifting away from our lives to be swept along by the current of unfavorable circumstances, it is the certainty and tangibility of events and situations that help us remain firm in our world. Reality gives us the ability to remain fully conscious of our surroundings, thus giving us the necessary focus to distinguish what can and cannot be.

To lose touch with reality is a difficult thing to grasp, but it does happen to individuals. This is known as a psychotic disorder— when individual perceptions become untrustworthy and unrealistic, such as in a dream. While dreaming, one can always escape into the waking world and plant their feet back onto the ground, however, because of symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions, there is no easy escape which can make a victim feel trapped in their own mind.

When one’s mind— the only place where one can truly feel safe from the spontaneities of the outside world, is no longer functioning in the way it should be, it can lead to abnormal levels of stress as the victim tries to deal with placing real events from unreal events.  Fighting one’s own mind is a terrible battle, as it can project realities that can interfere with daily routines.

Each of the five senses has a corresponding type of hallucination.

  • Seeing : Visual hallucinations
  • Hearing: Auditory hallucinations
  • Smelling: Olfactory hallucinations
  • Tasting: Gustatory hallucinations
  • Touching: Tactile hallucinations

The most common forms of hallucinations that are experienced from psychotic disorder mainly come from visual and auditory.

An example of a mild form of visual hallucination is seeing faint movement around the peripheral vision. These range from seeing shadows, figures, or distinct shapes flitting around quickly. Usually, these visions disappear instantaneously. Ativan

There are also mild auditory hallucinations which involve hearing noises and/or voices. These can be multiple voices at once or a single voice, also varying in volume.

The more complex hallucinations are intriguing phenomenon, especially when it is classified as visual. They cause individuals to unintentionally conjure entire situations, completely made-up by the disorder. Whatever the scenario, all hallucinations are characterized by witnessing non-existent occurrences and false perceptions of sight and sound. When dealing with psychotic disorder, its best to approach a health care professional who specializes in studying each disorder comprehensively in order to give the most appropriate treatment.



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