Common Symptoms of Childhood Depression

 Depression can be a devastating mental health issue that can heavily affect the life of an individual. Adults can have trouble managing their day to day with it. However, it’s effects can be much more prevalent when a child is the one experiencing it. The worst part is that it can have long lasting effects on a child as they age. So you need to be on the lookout for it’s symptoms before it causes permanent damage. 

Childhood Depression Symptoms to Look Out For

There are a few notable symptoms that parents can look for to determine if their child is experiencing childhood depression. These symptoms are common, but not all children will have all of them. So it is still best to go to a professional for a proper diagnosis.


One of the most common symptoms of depression in both adults and children is irritability. A child with depression will likely be difficult to approach without causing them stress. The worst part is that other symptoms of depression can also cause irritability.

Eating Problems

Another symptom you might notice from a depressed child is that they either refuse to eat or eat excessively. Eating problems are some individuals will cope with depression, and children are no different. Eating very little will mean the child doesn’t get the nutrition they need for proper growth, while overeating can affect their weight.

Lethargy and A Somber Attitude

Have you ever experienced a situation where you or another parent’s child is perpetually fatigued and tired? This may be a big sign of childhood depression. Depression often affects the perception of an individual regarding life. They can become perpetually lethargic and somber that it starts affecting their outlook. 

Little Desire for Social Interaction

Social interaction is an essential part of life. However, depression can have a severe effect on a person’s ability and willingness to interact with others. Children are no exception. Children are especially affected because of how social interaction is how they learn to deal with other individuals. This can be a problem as they age because of how childhood social interaction can be the foundation of being able to relate and deal with others in adulthood.

The Best Solution For Childhood Depression

One of the best solutions for childhood depression is making sure that the child gets the help that they need. A professional can help parents deal with a depressed child, and also help the child cope with the disorder that they have. Going to a professional can also prevent a false diagnosis and misplaced assumptions. 

Final Thoughts

Depression may be an issue that anyone can encounter in their lives. Especially children who are sensitive to the world around them. However, with the proper help and support, depressed children can effectively grow out of it and live a more full life!



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