Have you ever had those days where you’re on cloud nine and suddenly a few weeks later you’re at the pits of hell unable to move thanks to extreme depression? If you or a loved one experience this constantly, then you probably have bipolar disorder.
What Is Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar Disorder, formerly called manic-depressive disorder, is a disorder that can make someone seem like they’re constantly on a roller coaster of emotions. One minute happy and energetic, depressed and feeling hopeless the next. It is characterized by its 2 different “episodes”. These are called manic and depressive episodes. These two are like night and day on the spectrum of emotions.
Manic Episodes
Manic episodes are at best relief for many patients experiencing bipolar disorder and can cause extreme hyperactivity at worst. This episode in bipolar disorder can cause patients to become extremely energetic and even psychotic. They honestly believe that they can do superhuman acts like leaping across buildings or harmlessly landing from a fall from two to three stories high. Restlessness during manic disorders cause those affected to always seem like they’re rushing and everything is too slow for them. Despite always “putting the pedal to the metal” they can easily get distracted. Carelessness and impulsiveness are some indicators that you or someone you know is going through this part of bipolar disorder.
Depressive Episodes
Depressive episodes in bipolar disorders follow up manic episodes’ extreme energy with extreme hopelessness. This can be similar to the caffeine crash that you’ll experience after taking in too much coffee or any caffeinated drink. If manic episodes are where you feel that the world is too slow for you, then depressive disorders are where you yourself feel like you’ve slowed down to a crawl. Laziness and lack of motivation are some of the indicators that you’re going through a depressive episode.
What Can Happen When You Have Bipolar Disorder
This disorder is one of the riskiest mental disorders that a person can have. It puts together the worst parts of many other disorders. High amounts of energy, recklessness, and lack of inhibition during manic episodes can easily cause a person to attempt something they are not capable of. Extreme sadness, fatigue, and withdrawal can cause a person to neglect their social and mental needs while increasing their risk for other diseases like various heart conditions. The worst part is that bipolar disease has the highest rate of suicide cases when compared to other mental disorders like hyperactivity and depression. 30% of bipolar disorder patients have attempted suicide at least once in their lives.
What Can You Do?
There are many ways to help those with bipolar disorder. These can range from pills to psychotherapy. But the best way to make sure that you or your loved one doesn’t do anything brash is to find a professional to help you out.
If you think that you or someone you know is going through this disorder, then it isn’t a bad idea to call for professional help. Professionals like those in the CNS Center of Arizona are more than ready to help you or your loved ones in their time of need. Call us today for a consultation and a plan for the future!